OpenTechSchool Create Virtual Reality for the web

Let's create brand new worlds.

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Course by Roman & Fabien for OTS Brussels

In this workshop, you will discover Virtual Reality (VR), run your first program and you will build a virtual reality environment. Our objective today: to be able to participate to the VR and webVR revolution instead of taking the VR wave in the face and solely consuming what is offered. What does it mean? I'm glad you asked. We will learn together how to create 3D graphics on the web and how to display them over a VR head set. Then we will create a brave new world and interact with its objects would that be moving them around, or triggering sounds from them. Last, we'll wonder about new potential interfaces and cherry on the cake: how to link virtual worlds together and create a VR web.

This workshop takes place regularly in Brussels. If you reached this page on your own but would like to physically join us during an event check the OpenTechShool Brussels calendar on Meetup.

While we have a red thread to follow, there is no ideal world to show in the end. There is no target except learning while enjoying the day. If at the end of the day you have something gorgeous you want to show to the world, great; but if you end up with just ideas and a better understanding of how you will be able to make them happen in the next few weeks, it's also great!

Some fundamental advices for beginner programmers (you might want to come back here if you have issues):

  1. Get your hands dirty. You'll only learn if you write and run some code. Don't copy paste. Tweak and play with the proposed bits of code.
  2. Understand what you're doing. It's fundamental you understand each line of your code, since we build on top of it at each next sections. If you don't, ask around, we're here for that.
  3. Understand what you're doing! Not only do you need to know the vocabulary, you know to understand the meaning and place of the code. You're coding your block of code at a specific place, it has a specific role. Understand that role.
  4. Regularly clean your code. Hard to understand or spot a bug in a messy code. The cleaner your code, the easir it'll be to read. Adding comment will help readability (for you and others).
  5. Learn how to search out the answer when you're stuck. While we are always here for you, part of the aim of the workshop is to make you self reliable.

You'll be creating many amazing stuff during this workshop, be proud, and don't forget to spread the love. Take pictures, send them on our meetup or tweet about it @OTSBxl.

Now that we got to know each other, let's dive into the course itself.

The workshop is good, we now it because others have told us so before... but it's still far from being perfect. To make it closer to perfection we need your honest feedback

so please, when you finish the workshop come back and take 2 minutes to help us make the next workshop even better!